
If you have not already installed stitch_core, see Installation.

Basic Example

The programs from the example in the Overview section of the Stitch paper could be written as follows:

programs = [
    "(lam (+ 3 (* (+ 2 4) 2)))",
    "(lam (map (lam (+ 3 (* 4 (+ 3 $0)))) $0))",
    "(lam (* 2 (+ 3 (* $0 (+ 2 1)))))"
Each program is a string written in a lisp-like lambda calculus syntax:
  • Variables should be written as de Bruijn indices (i.e. $i refers to the variable bound by the i th lambda above it) so λx. λy. x y is written (lam (lam ($1 $0)))

  • Lambdas need explicit parentheses around their body so (lam + 3 2) should instead be written (lam (+ 3 2)). The parser outputs an error message explaining this if you make this mistake. Lambdas can also be written with lambda instead of lam but the output of stitch will always be normalized to use lam.

  • Be sure to balance your parentheses or you will get an error.

  • You don’t need to pre-define the language you are using. Any series of tokens with no whitespace that isn’t reserved for something else is treated as a language primitive, like +, foo, -0.5 etc. Only app and lam are reserved. Primitives may not begin with # or $ and may not contain parentheses or whitespace.

  • Check out other example programs here.

The largest common structure in these examples is that they all contain a subterm of the form (+ 3 (* _ _)). This structure can be represented with the lambda abstraction λx. λy. (+ 3 (* y x)). We can find this with stitch:

>>> from stitch_core import compress
>>> res = compress(programs, iterations=1, max_arity=2)
>>> res.abstractions[0]
fn_0(#0,#1) := (+ 3 (* #1 #0))
>>> res.abstractions[0].name
>>> res.abstractions[0].body
'(+ 3 (* #1 #0))'
>>> res.abstractions[0].arity
>>> res.rewritten
    '(lam (fn_0 2 (+ 2 4)))',
    '(lam (map (lam (fn_0 (+ 3 $0) 4)) $0))',
    '(lam (* 2 (fn_0 (+ 2 1) $0)))'

Here iterations=1 controls the number of abstractions that are learned. Abstractions are named like fn_0, fn_1, etc., while arguments to these abstractions are named like #0, #1, etc.

We could rewrite a new set of programs using this learned abstraction like so:

>>> from stitch_core import rewrite
>>> rewrite(["(lam (+ 3 (* (+ 1 1) 1)))", "(lam (- 5 (+ 3 (* $0 (+ 2 1)))))"], res.abstractions)
    '(lam (fn_0 1 (+ 1 1)))',
    '(lam (- 5 (fn_0 (+ 2 1) $0)))'

Note that res.json contains a huge amount of extra outputs and information, see Output JSON format for details. This includes statistics on how much compression is achieved, how many times each abstraction is used, what arguments are passed to the abstraction each time it is used, etc. Additional kwargs can control the inclusion of extra information as well, for example if compress(rewritten_intermediates=True) is passed then the intermediate programs after each iteration of compression are included in the output.

There is a lot of customizability in stitch_core.compress() (see compress() Keyword Arguments Listing for a full list of options), anything supported by the Rust library is also supported in these Python bindings.

Functions & Classes

stitch_core.compress(programs: List[str], iterations: int, max_arity: int = 2, threads: int = 1, silent: bool = True, **kwargs) CompressionResult

Runs abstraction learning on a list of programs, optimizing for a compression objective (see Compression Objectives). This will run for at most iterations steps, on each step finding the most compressive abstraction, and rewriting the programs to use it, then passing the rewritten programs onto the next iteration of compression. If no compressive abstraction exists on an iteration, compress() will stop early before its iterations limit is reached.

Learned abstractions can call earlier abstractions that were learned, thus building up a hierarchy of increasingly complex abstractions.

  • programs (List[str]) – A list of programs to learn abstractions from in stitch format. See dreamcoder_to_stitch() or from_dreamcoder() for translating to this format from dreamcoder.

  • iterations (int) – The maximum number of iterations to run abstraction learning for.

  • max_arity (int) – The maximum arity of abstractions to learn.

  • threads (int) – The number of threads to use.

  • silent (bool) – Whether to print progress to stdout.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the Rust backend. See compress() Keyword Arguments Listing for a full listing.


A CompressionResult object containing the learned abstractions, rewritten programs, and other details from the run.

Return type:


class stitch_core.CompressionResult(json: Dict[str, Any])

The result of calling compress().

  • abstractions (List[Abstraction]) – a list of Abstraction objects

  • rewritten (List[str]) – a list of programs, where each program has been rewritten using the abstractions

  • json (Dict[str,Any]) – the raw JSON output from the Rust backend, containing lots of additional information

class stitch_core.Abstraction(name: str, body: str, arity: int)

A functional abstraction

  • name (str) – the name of the abstraction, like “fn_0”

  • body (str) – the body of the abstraction, like “(+ 3 (* #1 #0))”. Variables are represented as “#0”, “#1”, etc.

  • arity (int) – the arity of the abstraction, like 2

stitch_core.rewrite(programs: List[str], abstractions: List[Abstraction], **kwargs) RewriteResult

Rewrites a set of programs with a list of abstractions. Rewrites first with abstractions[0], then abstractions[1], etc. Will not perform a rewrite if it is not compressive.

  • programs (List[str]) – A list of programs to rewrite in stitch format. See dreamcoder_to_stitch() or from_dreamcoder() for translating to this format from dreamcoder.

  • abstractions (List[Abstraction]) – A list of Abstraction objects to rewrite with.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the Rust backend. Only the following cost-related arguments from compress() Keyword Arguments Listing can be used: cost_app, cost_ivar, cost_lam, cost_prim_default, and cost_var.


A RewriteResult containing the list of rewritten programs and other relevant information

Return type:


stitch_core.from_dreamcoder(json: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]

Takes a dreamcoder-style json dictionary and returns a dictionary of arguments to pass as kwargs to compress() or rewrite().

The following keys will be in the returned dictionary:
  • name_mapping: see name_mapping_dreamcoder()

  • programs: These are the programs translated from dreamcoder format to stitch format, see dreamcoder_to_stitch()

  • tasks: These are the tasks associated with each program, since DreamCoder has a concept of tasks. See also Compression Objectives.

  • rewritten_dreamcoder=True: This is a flag that tells compress() to return the dreamcoder-formatted programs in the .json[“rewritten_dreamcoder] fied of its output.


json (Dict[str,Any]) – A dreamcoder-style json dictionary.


A dictionary of arguments to pass as kwargs to compress() or rewrite()

Return type:


exception stitch_core.StitchException

Raised when the Stitch’s Rust backend panics

Loading from a file

Loading from this file from the data set of Wong et al. 2022:

with open('../data/cogsci/nuts-bolts.json','r') as f:
    programs = json.load(f)
res = compress(programs, iterations=3, max_arity=3)
>>> res.abstractions
    fn_0(#0,#1) := (T (repeat (T l (M 1 0 -0.5 (/ 0.5 (tan (/ pi #1))))) #1 (M 1 (/ (* 2 pi) #1) 0 0)) (M #0 0 0 0)),
    fn_1(#0,#1,#2) := (repeat (T (T #2 (M 0.5 0 0 0)) (M 1 0 (* #1 (cos (/ pi 4))) (* #1 (sin (/ pi 4))))) #0 (M 1 (/ (* 2 pi) #0) 0 0)),
    fn_2(#0) := (T (T c (M 2 0 0 0)) (M #0 0 0 0))

Working with DreamCoder-format compression inputs

Loading from this file:

from stitch_core import from_dreamcoder
with open('../data/dc/origami/iteration_0_3.json','r') as f:
    dreamcoder_json = json.load(f)
kwargs = from_dreamcoder(dreamcoder_json)
res = compress(**kwargs, iterations=3, max_arity=3)
>>> res.abstractions[0]
fn_0(#0,#1,#2) := (if (empty? (cdr #0)) #2 (#1 (cdr #0)))

Note that the rewritten results in res.rewritten are in Stitch format, but DreamCoder format can be found in res.json["rewritten_dreamcoder"] as long as rewritten_dreamcoder=True is passed as an argument to compress() or rewrite(). Additionally, res.json["abstractions"][i]["dreamcoder"] contains the body of the i-th abstraction in DreamCoder format.

Catching a StitchException

For example, catching the StitchException raised by compressing a malformed program (unbalanced parentheses):

from stitch_core import StitchException
bad_programs = ["(a a a"]
    out_json = compress(bad_programs, iterations=3)
    assert False, "Should have thrown an exception"
except StitchException as e:
    print(f"caught exception: {e}")

Verbose Compression

To run stitch in verbose mode, pass silent=False to stitch_core.compress():

res = compress(programs, iterations=1, max_arity=2, silent=False)

This will produce a lot of output, ending in some lines like:

=======Compression Summary=======
Found 1 inventions
Cost Improvement: (1.33x better) 806 -> 604
fn_0 (1.33x wrt orig): utility: 200 | final_cost: 604 | 1.33x | uses: 2 | body: [fn_0 arity=1: (#0 #0 #0)]
Time: 0ms
Primer on the this output:
  • Cost Improvement: (1.33x better) 806 -> 604: here we see that by the cost metric (which by default values terminals like foo and a as 100 and nonterminals like applications and lambdas as 1) our programs were rewritten to be 1.33x smaller.

  • fn_0: this is the name the new primitive was assigned

  • (1.33x wrt orig): this is a cumulative measure of compression (ie “with respect to original”), so if we were learning more than one abstraction it would represent the accumulated compression over all previous abstractions

  • utility: 200: This is the utility, which corresponds to the difference in program cost before and after rewriting.

  • final_cost: 604: final cost of programs after rewriting

  • 1.33x: compression gained from this abstraction - again, only relevant when learning more than one abstraction

  • uses: 2: the abstraction is used twice in the set of programs

  • body: [fn_0 arity=1: (#0 #0 #0)]: this is the abstraction itself! (#0 #0 #0) is equivalent to λx. (x x x) - the first abstraction variable is always #0, the second is #1, etc.

Also note that res.json contains even more detail about the compression process.