Output JSON format

Here we detail the .json field of the stitch_core.CompressionResult object, which contains lots of additional outputs and information on the compression process.

Example json

Lets run 2 steps of compression (iterations=2) on the following 4 examples:

programs = [
    "f a a",
    "f b b",
    "foo bar (f c c) (f c c)",
    "foo bar x x"
res = stitch_core.compress(programs,iterations=2,rewritten_dreamcoder=True,rewritten_intermediates=True)

Here we passed a few extra flags to compression to include extra information in the output json (see compress() Keyword Arguments Listing or the output json description below for details).

The .abstractions and .rewritten fields show the two abstractions that are found as expected:

>>> res.abstractions
    fn_0(#0) := (foo bar #0 #0),
    fn_1(#0) := (f #0 #0)
>>> res.rewritten
    '(fn_1 a)',
    '(fn_1 b)',
    '(fn_0 (fn_1 c))',
    '(fn_0 x)'

The .json field is the our main interest here. Here’s the output for this example, for reference:

>>> import pprint; pprint.pp(res.json)
{'cmd': '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.10/3.10.8/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python',
 'args': {'iterations': 2,
          'abstraction_prefix': 'fn_',
          'previous_abstractions': 0,
          'shuffle': False,
          'truncate': None,
          'no_opt': False,
          'silent': True,
          'step': {'max_arity': 2,
                   'threads': 1,
                   'no_stats': False,
                   'batch': 1,
                   'dynamic_batch': False,
                   'inv_candidates': 1,
                   'hole_choice': 'DepthFirst',
                   'cost': 'Dreamcoder',
                   'cost_lam': None,
                   'cost_app': None,
                   'cost_var': None,
                   'cost_ivar': None,
                   'cost_prim_default': None,
                   'no_mismatch_check': False,
                   'no_top_lambda': False,
                   'follow': None,
                   'follow_prune': False,
                   'verbose_worklist': False,
                   'verbose_best': False,
                   'print_stats': 0,
                   'show_rewritten': False,
                   'rewritten_dreamcoder': True,
                   'rewritten_intermediates': True,
                   'inv_arg_cap': False,
                   'no_opt_single_use': False,
                   'allow_single_task': False,
                   'no_opt_upper_bound': False,
                   'no_opt_force_multiuse': False,
                   'no_opt_useless_abstract': False,
                   'no_opt_arity_zero': False,
                   'no_other_util': False,
                   'rewrite_check': False,
                   'utility_by_rewrite': False,
                   'dreamcoder_comparison': False,
                   'quiet': True}},
 'original_cost': 1814,
 'final_cost': 905,
 'compression_ratio': 2.0044198895027625,
 'num_abstractions': 2,
 'original': ['(f a a)',
              '(f b b)',
              '(foo bar (f c c) (f c c))',
              '(foo bar x x)'],
 'rewritten': ['(fn_1 a)', '(fn_1 b)', '(fn_0 (fn_1 c))', '(fn_0 x)'],
 'rewritten_dreamcoder': ['(#(lambda (f $0 $0)) a)',
                          '(#(lambda (f $0 $0)) b)',
                          '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) (#(lambda (f $0 $0)) c))',
                          '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) x)'],
 'abstractions': [{'body': '(foo bar #0 #0)',
                   'dreamcoder': '#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0))',
                   'arity': 1,
                   'name': 'fn_0',
                   'utility': 403,
                   'final_cost': 1208,
                   'compression_ratio': 1.5016556291390728,
                   'cumulative_compression_ratio': 1.5016556291390728,
                   'num_uses': 2,
                   'rewritten': ['(f a a)',
                                 '(f b b)',
                                 '(fn_0 (f c c))',
                                 '(fn_0 x)'],
                   'rewritten_dreamcoder': ['(f a a)',
                                            '(f b b)',
                                            '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) (f c '
                                            '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) x)'],
                   'uses': [{'fn_0 (f c c)': '(foo bar (f c c) (f c c))'},
                            {'fn_0 x': '(foo bar x x)'}]},
                  {'body': '(f #0 #0)',
                   'dreamcoder': '#(lambda (f $0 $0))',
                   'arity': 1,
                   'name': 'fn_1',
                   'utility': 201,
                   'final_cost': 905,
                   'compression_ratio': 1.3348066298342542,
                   'cumulative_compression_ratio': 2.0044198895027625,
                   'num_uses': 3,
                   'rewritten': ['(fn_1 a)',
                                 '(fn_1 b)',
                                 '(fn_0 (fn_1 c))',
                                 '(fn_0 x)'],
                   'rewritten_dreamcoder': ['(#(lambda (f $0 $0)) a)',
                                            '(#(lambda (f $0 $0)) b)',
                                            '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) '
                                            '(#(lambda (f $0 $0)) c))',
                                            '(#(lambda (foo bar $0 $0)) x)'],
                   'uses': [{'fn_1 a': '(f a a)'},
                            {'fn_1 b': '(f b b)'},
                            {'fn_1 c': '(f c c)'}]}]}

Description of JSON Fields

  • cmd: This field can be ignored in the Python bindings, it is the command of the process running compression

  • args: These are all the arguments that were passed to compression, see also compress() Keyword Arguments Listing.

  • original_cost: This is the cost of the original set of programs, see also Cost Metrics.

  • final_cost: This is the cost of the final set of programs, see also Cost Metrics.

  • compression_ratio: This is the ratio of the original cost to the final cost.

  • num_abstractions: This is the number of abstractions that were found. Note that if there are no compressive abstractions to find on an iteration, then this can be less than the number of iterations passed to compress().

  • original: This is the original set of programs.

  • rewritten: This is the set of programs after rewriting with the found abstractions.

  • rewritten_dreamcoder: This is the set of programs after rewriting with the found abstractions, but in the format that Dreamcoder uses where lambdas are written as lambda instead of lam and abstractions are written anonymously with the #() syntax instead of giving them names like fn_0. This is set to None unless rewritten_dreamcoder=True.

  • abstractions: This is a list of all abstractions that were found. Each abstraction has the following fields:
    • body: This is the body of the abstraction, just like the .body field of stitch_core.Abstraction

    • dreamcoder: This is the body of the abstraction, but in the format that Dreamcoder uses where lambdas are written as lambda instead of lam and abstractions are written anonymously with the #() syntax instead of giving them names like fn_0.

    • arity: This is the arity of the abstraction, just like the .arity field of stitch_core.Abstraction

    • name: This is the name of the abstraction, just like the .name field of stitch_core.Abstraction

    • utility: This is the utility of the abstraction defined as the difference between the initial and final cost of the set of programs when introducing this abstraction.

    • final_cost: This is the cost of the set of programs after introducing this abstraction.

    • compression_ratio: This is the ratio of the original cost to the final cost after introducing this abstraction.

    • cumulative_compression_ratio: This is the ratio of the original cost to the final cost after introducing this abstraction and all abstractions that were found before it.

    • num_uses: This is the number of times this abstraction was used in the final set of programs.

    • rewritten: This is the set of programs after rewriting with this abstraction (and any abstractions that came before it). This field is only present if rewritten_intermediates=True.

    • rewritten_dreamcoder: This is the set of programs after rewriting with this abstraction (and any abstractions that came before it), but in the format that Dreamcoder uses where lambdas are written as lambda instead of lam and abstractions are written anonymously with the #() syntax instead of giving them names like fn_0. This field is only present if rewritten_intermediates=True and rewritten_dreamcoder=True.

    • uses: This is a list of all the unique uses of this abstraction in the final set of programs. Each use is a dictionary mapping from the abstraction applied to its arguments to the original subtree before this rewrite happened. If the abstraction is used with the same arguments in multiple places, only one copy appears here - these are the unique uses.